
CA Blogging Assignment 5

My topic for Essay 2 will be "Big Brother", which is the censor ship by the government. I was shocked when knowing that Big Brother is not fictional anymore since Japanese government are trying to control information not only in mass media but on Internet. What is more, Japanese government and Tokyo Denryoku are trying to hide the fact of the nuclear reactor in Fukushima from citizens. Also, this is violating freedom of speech and against democracy. We should be living in democrat society but do we? My thesis statement will be that "In many countries, including developed countries, censorship is done by the governments and people worry about their freedom of speech and democracy sustainability in the future."

7 件のコメント:

  1. Miki
    I was also shocked to know that the "Big Brother" is now happening in Japan, not in countries like China or North Korea. Since Japan faces the problem of the nuclear power plant in Fukushima, I thought it is a very good time to reconsider about what the government is doing and about censor ship.

  2. Wow! Nice redesign of your blog!

    The thesis you have is workable with some rewrite. You need to make it clear in the grammar of the sentence which idea is the one claim and which ideas are the subordinate supporting points. As it is right now (with the use of AND), it looks as though you have more than one claim and no supporting points. This is a fairly easy adjustment to make, but if you want me to work with you on this, I'll be happy to help.

  3. このコメントは投稿者によって削除されました。

  4. I'm interested in your essay because your topic is so close to mine!
    I think the "Big Brother" could be happened in ANY countries all over the world...while the citizens think they are surely given the free information. It's horrible and I think the battle between "Big Brother" and "expansion of networking" is going to start.(or, has it already started...?)

  5. I strongly agree with what you said about the Fukushima nuclear plant---the government is covering up the facts in order not to make people freak out. Your passionate thesis statement sounds very interesting, but I think it needs to be a little more organized =]

  6. I heard that Fukushima's nucler plant problem was caused by a worker's opperational error. If that's true, why do you think the government does nothing?

  7. > Mio
    I did not the fact until I read the article that legislation which allows government to censor the information on internet
    is discussed at the Diet. I guess many people start casting doubt on what government says since the accident to the nuclear power plant in Fukushima.
    I guess we have to be careful about information more than before.

    > Chris
    Well, my thesis is incomplete since I still not really getting how I organize my idea.
    I think I will be able to rewrite it and show you in my OL or first RD.

    > Yuki
    I'm interested in your essay as well. Yes, Big Brother can be happened in ANY countries and is happening.
    Since we are having Representative governmental system, it is impossible for citizens to know what is going on in meetings.
    I do not say that we have to change the system but citizens have to be aware that.
    I say the battle between Big Brother and expansion of networking is already started...

    > Masashi
    Thank you for your advice. I know that I have to rewrite my thesis but I still do not really have idea to organize my idea.
    I hope I will be able to make better thesis...

    > Kazuya
    I haven't heard that before. Well...I say the situation in Japan now is similar to the situation in Soviet when the accident of Chernobyl happened.
    No one has explained the reason for the accident of Fukushima happened...
    Well, I do not know why the government does nothing but I guess the government and Tokyo Denryoku has close relationship.
